technology – gives the player +2000% research speed.kill – kills (or wounds if immortal) the selected character and his army.abandon – makes the selected region be abandoned.give region faction_key – gives faction_key ownership of the selected region, if a faction has no regions or armies on the map you can’t give them a region, spawn them an army first.give region – gives the player ownership of the selected region.region – gives 1000 growth, 1000 horde growth and 1 turn build speed to all player regions.primary – set primary slot level of selected region to max.primary number – set primary slot level of selected region to number.add xp number – add number of xp points to the selected character, unembed heroes to give them xp.add axp – add 1 rank to all units of selected army.add axp number – add number of ranks to all units of selected army.add unit unit_key – add unit with unit_key to selected army*.add unit unit_key number – add number of units with unit_key to selected army*.mov off – removes the buff with bonus movement points from the selected character (and switch your army stance after to reset your movement).mov – gives the selected character a buff with bonus movement points.add mov – restore selected char movement points.give gold – gives 50000 gold to the player, same faction things as above.give gold number – gives number of gold to the player (can also be negative), if you have a settlement selected it will give gold to the faction owning the settlement.Type the command into a text box that is below the chat box and visible when the chat is visible, then press the button to the right. If that's your situation, hang around the sub for a couple of days and leave a few comments - you'll be able to post in no time! Need more details? Read our full rules here.Last revision: 1 May, 2022 at 17:11 UTC (6)Īdds a bunch of commands that help with mod making and testing. Our automoderator also prevents spam by deleting posts from users less than four days old or who have less than three karma. Giveaways and contests must be approved beforehand by the moderation team. No politics allowedĭon't derail threads with off-topic memes or controversy.